卫国先锋 When Duty Calls’ Roadshow was held on 29th July 2017 at Anchorpoint Mall.
Characters of the drama including Desmond Tan were there, interacting with the fans!
Who else thinks Desmond looks super charming in army uniform? *-*
Character info –
职业/身份: 面包店师傅(自雇人士)
军阶: 战备军人,陆军三级上士,后升为 CSM
自幼好动好玩,学业成绩普通,但体育运动非常棒。理工学院毕业后入伍服役,在 BMT 后进入装甲部队,认识当时的排长许龙斌,两人一直到战备军训又隶属同一个部队, 成为生死之交。
俊光在理工学院时曾经暗恋同学谢明耀的女朋友沈宜萱。与后来进理工学院的宜萱有接触,还曾一起参加潜水,攀岩等刺激性活动,从中对她滋生了感情,可惜宜萱身边已经有男朋友,俊光 只好把情意都埋藏在心里,却忽略了一直暗恋他多年的青梅竹马白静雨…
1SG (NS) Loke Jun Guang, played by Desmond Tan 陈泂江 @thedesmondtan, is a full-time baker who serves in an Infantry unit and eventually rises to the post of Company Sergeant Major.
Remember to tune in Every Weekday, 9pm Channel for your daily dose of Sergeant Loke.