[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 13] |
Qian Ni assumes Zi Tong is provoking her, and they both get into a fight, but is stopped by Cai Feng who sends them off to do squats as punishment. The two girls finally get a moment to properly talk, Zi Tong admits she had always wanted a sister, she’s not asking for any handouts. Qian Ni realises how highly Cai Feng had regarded her, and had arranged for her to be transferred to a much better Taekwondo gym.
倩妮也以为子彤故意挑衅,两人有意攻击彼此,双双被采凤喝止,罚她们半蹲。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 12] |
Zi Tong looks for Tian Lin to pass over a gift for Xin Yan, but accidentally overhears a conversation between Tian Lin and Zhi Sheng, and is horrified that her own father might have murdered Zhi Sheng’s father! This is why Zhi Sheng had been so distant lately, and Zi Tong’s guilty and hurt about Zhi Sheng’s traumatic childhood.
子彤因想请天霖转交给心妍的礼物,意外听闻天霖与至胜间的谈话,大骇自己的父亲竟可能是害死至胜父亲的凶手!子彤恍然至胜近来态度异常的原因,同时因知道过去至胜童年为此所苦而深感自责。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 11] |
Zi Tong finally returns to the gymnasium. Every tree, every blade of grass on the gymnasium grounds is familiar to her, her memories of this place still clear in her mind, but they are an ironic contrast to her relationship with Qian Ni today. Although Cai Feng has accepted Zi Tong back into the gym, she only allows her to do the monotonous and repetitive weight trainings. |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 10] |
Zhi Sheng’s taking things slow in love, but to his surprise, Zi Tong is straightforward and completely abashed, and they finally admit their feelings to each other. When Zi Tong’s father Da Quan pokes her about her life, she openly admits she has a boyfriend. Da Quan worries for his daughter, but as he sees how calm she is, he’s proud of her growth.
至胜对爱情步步为营,却没料到子彤单枪匹马直攻主营,两人至此总算心意相通。面对父亲大全的好奇询问,子彤毫不避讳地承认自己交了男朋友,大全虽仍替子彤担忧,但见子彤态度坚定,不禁感动着这段日子女儿的成长 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 9] |
Zhi Sheng is frustrated at the last report before Xiang Tiai’s death, but doesn’t want Fang Qing to worry, and deliberately shifts the conversation towards her. He teases her for having many suitors, and brings up Tian Lin. Fang Qing is reminded of Tian Lin’s various thoughtful actions, and is once again extremely moved. She starts dreaming of him day and night, picturing the two of them lovingly together.
至胜因祥泰生前最后报导一事心烦意乱,但因不想方晴担心,故意在她面前转移焦点 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 8] |
Zi Tong accepts Zhi Sheng’s offer for the surgery, but hates not finishing what they started, so the company’s competition continues. Zi Tong and Ming Huan are mulling by the office rooftop, stuck on their idea… but get inspired by You Zhi’s presbyopia glasses, and have a breakthrough! Zhi Sheng sees them celebrating, and is happy for them.
虽然子彤同意接受至胜的赞助,但仍然因讨厌半途而废,坚持继续参与至胜发起的比赛。公司天台上,陷入瓶颈的子彤和明焕因有志的老花眼而灵光一现,至胜见子彤这组顺利突破,颇感欣慰。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 7] |
Zi Tong is overjoyed when she finds out she has a chance to get surgery, but the money she’s painstakingly saved so far still isn’t enough to cover the costs. She decides to borrow from her brother Tian Lin. When the topic of returning to competing comes up, Tian Lin still doesn’t understand why Zi Tong’s so willing to put so much into Taekwondo. Zi Tong uses Tian Lin’s passion for journalism as an example, and he finally begins to understand his sister’s love towards Taekwondo.
子彤得知自己有动手术的机会,兴奋不已,但筹措已久的手术经费却仍不足,子彤决定向天霖借钱,两人聊到重回赛场的打算,天霖不懂子彤为何愿意为跆拳道付出那么多,子彤以天霖热爱的记者工作举例,天霖总算明白子彤对跆拳道的痴狂热爱,两兄妹因这次深谈而距离拉近,但意外目睹的至胜却误以为天霖用情不专,同时追求子彤与方晴两人。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 6] |
Zi Tong finally returns to Zhi Sheng’s side as his special assistant, however she coldly refuses the breakfast he had asked Fang Qing to prepare for her. An idea strikes Zhi Sheng: he forcefully exchanges his bento set with Zi Tong’s instead. The colleagues are confused, completely bemused at their CEO’s actions.
子彤总算回到至胜的身边担任随身特助,至胜请方晴帮忙准备的早餐,却被子彤无情拒绝,至胜灵机一动拿走子彤的便当强迫交换,众人一头雾水,完全不知道执行长究竟在想什么。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 5] |
On the street, Zi Tong witnesses Zhi Sheng being kidnapped by whom she suspects are He Dong’s men. Despite hesitating for a few moments initially, she decides to follow the vehicle and rescues him. Unexpectedly, Zhi Sheng takes advantage of the kidnap and upon meeting He Dong, he persuades him to cooperate instead. Zi Tong is annoyed when she realises that she’s been worried for nothing, and Zhi Sheng worries that Zi Tong’s old injury may have gotten worse in the process of saving him.
街道上,子彤撞见至胜疑似被何董手下绑架,犹豫再三后仍决定跟踪该车辆,前往营救,没料到至胜反利用此事件将计就计,摆了何董一道后,进一步说服何董合作。子彤知自己白担心了一场,气恼不已,而至胜察觉子彤因救自己而挂彩,担心子彤旧伤复发,强硬地打横抱起子彤,硬是带她就医,自己却反而因恐血而晕厥在子彤的身上。子彤俯视昏倒的至胜,嘴角不自觉扬笑,面露难得的温柔神色。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 4] |
A piece of news report with the headline drops, shoving a wedge between Zi Tong and Zhi Sheng’s growing relationship. There is chaos in the courier service admin office, everyone is busy responding to various media’s untrue speculations and allegations about the incident. Zi Tong makes fun at Zhi Sheng for his attempts to make life difficult for her so that she would quit voluntarily, Zhi Sheng is convinced that Zi Tong did betray him and fires her in anger.
子彤因不甘被誤會,請託天霖協助調查,得知消息確實是內部員工傳出。同一時間,明煥得知子彤被開除後,主動告訴至勝爆料者並非子彤,其實是自己所為。至勝在與記者欣慧當面談判對質後,得知連恐血症一事也並非子彤所言,至勝確知誤會子彤出賣自己,更了解子彤之所以拿遊民的錢,並非搶奪,反而是熱心協助,至勝懊惱不已,但卻拉不下臉拜託子彤回來。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 3] |
Due to misunderstandings on Zi Tong’s unscrupulous means of making money, Zhi Sheng deliberately proposes for her to be his perfect assistant for a week as punishment and adhere to his many demands without question. He didn’t expect that with the help of Ren Jia, her friend and colleague at the convenience store, Zi Tong not only transforms her outlook completely her per requested, but she also becomes impeccable in fulfilling all of Zhi Sheng’s requirements.
因误会子彤为赚钱不择手段,至胜故意停权子彤的快递权限,并提出需担任一周完美助理,让他无可挑剔的无理要求。没料到子彤竟在便利商店同事仁贾的协助下,不但从衣着开始整体改造,更察言观色满足至胜工作、生活大小需求,至胜气闷,进一步刁难子彤。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 2] |
At late night, Zhi Sheng hears a strange noise, a thief is in his living room. He is on alert and tries to subdue the thief with a baseball bat unsuccessfully. The thief has a knife and during the rigorous scuffle, Zhi Sheng is frozen on spot, traumatised by bloodstains, fragments of his childhood rushing back. Just as he is about to pass out, Zi Tong appears at the right time and stops the thief swiftly with a rotation kick.
深夜,至胜听到客厅传来的异响,心生警觉的想要以球棒制服小偷,那知道一棒没打中,反遭小偷持刀威胁,两人激烈缠斗中,血渍让至胜回想起儿时目睹的可怕经历,进而引发恐血症,天旋地转之际,子彤适时出现,以漂亮的半旋侧踢一招解决小偷。 |
[因为我喜欢你 Falling Into You Ep 1] |
In Zi Tong’s life, money comes first, money is life. Zi Tong is unpopular among her courier colleagues for being unscrupulous at work, but no one truly understands her true reasons for it and why money is so important for her. 在子彤的人生重要性排行里,钱是绝对的第一名,爱钱如命,为抢单不择手段的性格,让子彤在快递伙伴中不得人缘,但是众人却不知道,钱对她来说之所以重要至此,背后有不为人知的苦衷和原因。 |