280824 – 新剧担纲双角工作量翻倍 新手爸爸陈泂江不舍离家!


Read more on: [CHI] 新手爸爸陈泂江不舍离家!

190824 – 陈泂江38岁生日 粉丝片场炮制惊喜


粉丝会在17日安排餐车到拍摄片场,大手笔请超过30名片场工作人员吃以陈泂江洋名Desmond Tan客制化的汉堡包套餐。此外,粉丝也特制横幅谢谢剧组给予陈泂江的关爱与照顾,并送上包括手持电动风扇在内的贴心小礼慰劳工作人员。

Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江38岁生日 粉丝片场炮制惊喜

190824 – 片场上庆生!陈泂江粉丝送餐车应援


Read more on: [CHI] 片场上庆生!陈泂江粉丝送餐车应援

150824 – 陈泂江当爸后“怕死” 直播宝宝实况爆出奶萌音




Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江当爸后“怕死” 直播宝宝实况爆出奶萌音

100824 – 48小时新日两边跑 陈泂江东京出席Onitsuka Tiger活动

 新传媒艺人陈泂江8日飞往东京出席品牌Onitsuka Tiger的75周年庆祝活动,隔天早上又因拍摄行程赶回新加坡,体验了一把48小时“空中飞人”的极限行程!

陈泂江在东京现场与不少受邀出席活动的艺人合影,包括来自台湾的刘以豪、菲律宾的Heart Evangelista、泰国的Maylada Susri等。他表示感恩品牌的邀请,让自己能代表新加坡与各国的品牌大使们交流,并且结识新朋友。

Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江东京出席Onitsuka Tiger活动

100824 – 快闪东京不到48小时 陈泂江红眼航班返新开工

在拍摄本地剧《庭外的一角》的陈泂江日前受邀到东京,出席Onitsuka Tiger在8月8日举行的75周年品牌活动。他在当地逗留不到48小时,又是出席活动,又是拍摄杂志时尚大片和社媒内容,一刻也没闲着。他通过短信告诉《联合早报》:“(抵达东京后)从下飞机到再次登机,几乎没有喘息的时间!”


Read more on: [CHI] 快闪东京不到48小时 陈泂江红眼航班返新开工

260724 – 陈泂江获选首尔国际电视节“亚洲明星奖”!



Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江获选首尔国际电视节“亚洲明星奖”!

030424 – Actor Desmond Tan says his two dogs are good ‘big brothers’ to his newborn daughter

While he now has a bigger family, Tan, who has been steadily starring in two to three Mediacorp series a year as one of the broadcaster’s most prominent leading men, says he hopes to keep up his workload.

“I got a dose of drive from my daughter’s birth. I want to push myself harder and work harder, but I also want to learn to prioritise and manage my time more efficiently so I can balance my family and career.”

Read more on: [ENG] Actor Desmond Tan says his two dogs are good ‘big brothers’ to his newborn daughter

060324 – Man of the People: Actor and Fashion Icon Desmond Tan has the personality for politics

It occurred to me in that very moment, Desmond isn’t in it for the fandom but the connection. With a generous heart: not minding being taken advantage of and wanting to engage with his followers, it was starting to sound like a grassroots career in politics might be viable and it’s a notion that Desmond finds ticklish — “I really enjoy going to hawker centres and wet markets and simply chatting up the folks around. I seriously felt like a minister walking around the constituency.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan has the personality for politics

280224 – 陈泂江:迎接奇迹诞生



Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江:迎接奇迹诞生

160923 – Golden boy: Success can’t steal actor Desmond Tan’s heartland soul away from him

We know Desmond Tan as an A-list actor, fashion clotheshorse and devoted dog dad. But, it turns out, that’s just scraping the surface. In a mathematical self-assessment, the 37-year-old revealed, he’s “almost 100 per cent Singaporean boy-next-door” and – wait for it – “40 per cent beng”.

Read more on: [ENG] Golden boy: Success can’t steal actor Desmond Tan’s heartland soul away from him

081221 – Actor Desmond Tan shares more details about his wedding and proposal

“I proposed to her five years ago in a National Park in the USA. It was a quiet winter morning. With the snowy mountains as our backdrop, I got down on one knee and popped the question. I was so nervous. Thankfully, she said, ‘Yes!'”

Read more on: [ENG] Actor Desmond Tan shares more details about his wedding and proposal

150920 – 首次和陈泂江合作 汪东城赞:他很好相处!


Read more on: [CHI] 首次和陈泂江合作 汪东城赞:他很好相处!

180920 – 当面被批“对你没什么期望” 陈泂江强忍泪水


Read more on: [CHI] 当面被批“对你没什么期望” 陈泂江强忍泪水

180920 – Desmond Tan Almost Cried When He Was Told He Wasn’t The Actor The Production Team Wanted For His Star-Making Turn In A Song To Remember

Desmond Tan is one of the brightest stars on screen now but he actually had a pretty rocky start to his showbiz career. And in this week’s episode of Quan Yifeng’s talk show, Hear U Out, the actor revealed how he had once been humiliated in front of his fellow cast by the production team.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan Almost Cried When He Was Told He Wasn’t The Actor The Production Team Wanted For His Star-Making Turn In A Song To Remember

180920 – 当面被批“对你没什么期望” 陈泂江强忍泪水


Read more on: [CHI] 当面被批“对你没什么期望” 陈泂江强忍泪水

180920 – Desmond Tan Almost Cried When He Was Told He Wasn’t The Actor The Production Team Wanted For His Star-Making Turn In A Song To Remember

Desmond Tan is one of the brightest stars on screen now but he actually had a pretty rocky start to his showbiz career. And in this week’s episode of Quan Yifeng’s talk show, Hear U Out, the actor revealed how he had once been humiliated in front of his fellow cast by the production team.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan Almost Cried When He Was Told He Wasn’t The Actor The Production Team Wanted For His Star-Making Turn In A Song To Remember

080920 – 新加坡影帝跨海演出台視、八大「因為我喜歡你」

八大電視GTV與Infocus Asia聯手合作,新加坡資訊通信媒體發展局支持的原創戲劇「因為我喜歡你」,在拍攝期間新加坡派出專業團隊協助成音工程,而連續6年入圍新加坡「紅星大獎」,曾獲「最佳男主角」、「十大最受歡迎男藝人」等殊榮的星國影帝陳泂江跨海演出,與郭雪芙、郎祖筠在劇中飾演一家人,巧的是,陳泂江在2007年新加坡選秀節目「才華洋溢出新秀」脫穎而出正式出道,郎祖筠正是評審之一!

Read more on: [CHI] 新加坡影帝跨海演出台視、八大「因為我喜歡你」

250820 – 陈泂江演台偶像剧 与“女神”郭雪芙当兄妹

本地阿哥陈泂江参演由台湾八大电视GTV与IFA Media制作的偶像剧《因为我喜欢你》,扮演社会线记者也是郭雪芙的哥哥。陈泂江表示演记者挑战不小:“他需要做很多调查、找资料,这部分不容易演,而且台词中也有很多专业名词。不过我平时也接触不少记者,还是媒体行业内的工作,所以不是完全没概念。”

Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江演台偶像剧 与“女神”郭雪芙当兄妹

220820 – 陈泂江与汪东城合演台剧 坦言拍脱戏压力大


Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江与汪东城合演台剧 坦言拍脱戏压力大

200720 – 国庆日线上演唱会 总统携手陈泂江、Taufik Batisah等艺人演唱“Home”

配合新加坡55岁生日,新传媒与滨海湾花园将携手举办一场国庆日线上演唱会(National Day Concert 2020)。届时国人能在8月10日(星期一),8pm透过5频道、meWATCH及YouTube频道观赏这场精彩演出。这场演唱会的演出阵容有陈泂江、向洋、陈凤玲、许瑞奇、莉玉、芳榕、谢俊峰、梁嘉靖、蔡昀娟、Gurmit Singh 、Kumar、Taufik Batisah及Suhaimi Yusof等。主持人则由Class 95 DJ Jean Danker担任。

Read more on: [CHI] 国庆日线上演唱会 总统携手陈泂江、Taufik Batisah等艺人演唱“Home”

20072020 – Nathan Hartono, Taufik Batisah in special concert to celebrate Singapore’s 55th birthday

The one-hour Gardens by the Bay and Mediacorp National Day Concert 2020 will premiere on Aug 10 at 8pm on Channel 5 and other Mediacorp platforms. Look out for a special rendition of Home by guest of honour President Halimah Yacob.

Read more on: [ENG] Nathan Hartono, Taufik Batisah in special concert to celebrate Singapore’s 55th birthday

09072020 – 合演新剧《操控》再续情缘 陈泂江:与雅慧拍亲热戏不尴尬


Read more on: [CHI] 合演新剧《操控》再续情缘 陈泂江:与雅慧拍亲热戏不尴尬

220620 – 庆祝父亲节 陈泂江亲自为爸爸下厨

陈泂江透露:“今年家人都想在家里庆祝父亲节,所以选择只有外卖或自己下厨。我想不如就担起这重大的责任,亲自为爸爸和家人下厨,准备了‘江好吃父亲节晚餐’ 。”

Read more on: [CHI] 庆祝父亲节陈泂江亲自为爸爸下厨

18052020 – Stars of Code Of Law: Final have very different stay-home routines

The 34-year-old heart-throb, who debuted as serial killer Derek Ho in Code Of Law 4 and went on to star in two seasons of Derek and Forensik, has been hunkering down in his condominium unit with his two dogs, Hoshi and Udon. “During the initial four-week circuit breaker, I thought I would take it easy for the first few days but being a workaholic, I could not sit still and do nothing.”

Read more on: [ENG] Stars of Code Of Law: Final have very different stay-home routines

190520 – Celebrity Zoom hangout session: In bed with Desmond Tan and his dogs

While many of us might be eating our feelings at home during “circuit breaker”, Desmond Tan has been doing bicep curls using an empty gas cylinder as a makeshift barbell. “I donated my dumbbells and some gym equipment just before Chinese New Year, in January,” he told us during a video call, stepping out onto his deck where he does his workouts.

Read more on: [ENG] Celebrity Zoom hangout session: In bed with Desmond Tan and his dogs

18052020 – Stars of Code Of Law: Final have very different stay-home routines

The 34-year-old heart-throb, who debuted as serial killer Derek Ho in Code Of Law 4 and went on to star in two seasons of Derek and Forensik, has been hunkering down in his condominium unit with his two dogs, Hoshi and Udon. “During the initial four-week circuit breaker, I thought I would take it easy for the first few days but being a workaholic, I could not sit still and do nothing.”

Read more on: [ENG] Stars of Code Of Law: Final have very different stay-home routines

18052020 – 对角色又爱又恨 陈泂江希望变态杀人魔Derek登大银幕

5频道英语剧“Code of Law: Final”(律政精英:第五季)将于6月份播出,此次剧情继续围绕在获得观众喜爱的变态杀人魔Derek。这一回,Derek成功逃狱,但他没有逃之夭夭,而是留在戒备森严的新加坡,找时机向对付过他的人报复。陈泂江接受电访时笑言:“我从小看Adrian Pang的戏‘长大’,很开心有他加入这一季,但可惜我们没有对手戏,我也只能偶尔到片场看他演戏。”

Read more on: [CHI] 对角色又爱又恨 陈泂江希望变态杀人魔Derek登大银幕

04052020 – #stayhome 艺人教你“吃喝玩乐”!


Read more on: [CHI] #stayhome 艺人教你“吃喝玩乐”!

30042020 – This Is How Local Celebs Are Staying Fit At Home During The Circuit Breaker

Yup, Allan nominated Desmond Tan to take on the challenge. When Desmond isn’t showing off his furkids, Udon and Hoshi, on IG, he’s working out. The 33-year-old gamely accepted Allan’s challenge and did 220 push-ups with his dogs in his balcony. Pity he didn’t do it shirtless too. Guess we’ll just have to make do with staring at his buff arms for now.

Read more on: [ENG] This Is How Local Celebs Are Staying Fit At Home During The Circuit Breaker

05032020 – Cosmic Boy — Desmond Tan In March ’20 Big Blast Issue

From bringing his own prop fishes to the set and sitting on a fire hydrant on the streets while reading scripts to subsisting on a diet of tuna and salt crackers for months to play a WW2 role, the industrious Desmond Tan proves why the stars are shining brighter for him.!

For anybody who has had the pleasure of being within a 30cm radius of Desmond Tan like this writer, the first thing one will notice is electricity crackling up his own body. The 33-year- old’s eye contact is intense – one part masculine swagger, one part boyish charm – and he answers questions without a moment of hesitation.

Read more on: [ENG] Cosmic Boy — Desmond Tan In March ’20 Big Blast Issue

02032020 -【艺人上菜】陈泂江


Read more on: [CHI] 【艺人上菜】陈泂江

29022020 – 郑惠玉、黄俊雄等艺人派送关怀礼包 致敬前线医护人员


Read more on: [CHI] 郑惠玉、黄俊雄等艺人派送关怀礼包 致敬前线医护人员

28022020 -【冲绳直击】陈泂江 一切很美,只因有你


Read more on: [CHI] 【冲绳直击】陈泂江 一切很美,只因有你

27022020 – 一切很美 只因有你 优1周743期

全新一期 #优1周 登场,封面人物是本地男星——陈泂江Desmond!这次为了新本地剧《回路网》,同是才华出身的陈泂江,必须带着新一批《才华2019》的新秀们一起演戏,感受格外不同。如果能再选出道过程,他还会选择《才华》这条路吗?

Read more on: [CHI] 一切很美 只因有你 优1周743期

21022020 – 新传媒艺人齐声献唱抗疫歌曲“The Light”

《SPOP听我唱》冠军黄俊融和歌手梁嘉靖携手创作抗疫歌曲“The Light”,新传媒旗下艺人陈泂江、陈凤玲、谢俊峰、芳榕等齐献声。

Watch more on: [CHI] 新传媒艺人齐声献唱抗疫歌曲“The Light”

21022020 – 拍英语剧“Derek”第二季 陈泂江裸背露胸大胆挑战床戏


Read more on: [CHI] 拍英语剧“Derek”第二季 陈泂江裸背露胸大胆挑战床戏

14022020 – Getting Ripped For Derek 2 Was Sheer Torture For Desmond Tan

Desmond Tan is no stranger to showing skin on screen. The hunky actor famously bared his bum in Derek, and will once again be shedding his clothes for season 2, now available on meWATCH. With one of the most ab-tastic bods on Stars Avenue, you would think going shirtless would be a walk in the park for the 34-year-old. But it turns out that Desmond isn’t always shirtless shoot-ready and maintaining his six pack for his role as maniacal serial killer Derek Ho was sheer torture.

Read more on: [ENG] Getting Ripped For Derek 2 Was Sheer Torture For Desmond Tan

13022020 – Desmond Tan: Sex scene in Derek 2 will be steamier

Well, Desmond Tan’s your guy because he’s back in his role as the titular serial killer from the Toggle Original series Derek, and he told 8world that the sex scene is going to be steamier in the second season, Derek 2.You’d think that having acted in a sex scene and baring his tight butt in the previous season would make Desmond a pro at this, but he confessed that he felt a lot of pressure.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan: Sex scene in Derek 2 will be steamier

13022020 – 观众迷上变态杀人魔Derek 陈泂江:可以喜欢Desmond多一点

新传媒5频道英语剧“Derek”将在情人节播出第2系列,故事主轴仍围绕变态连环杀人犯Derek(陈泂江饰)。这一次,Derek找到了爱情,还和爱人Jessica(柳胜美饰)成为“工作”上的“最佳拍挡”……男女主角陈泂江和柳胜美(Jae Liew)首次合作,双双直呼压力超大。

Read more on: [CHI] 观众迷上变态杀人魔Derek 陈泂江:可以喜欢Desmond多一点

18012020 – 挑战手制工艺!《回路网》演员谁的手最巧?


Watch more on: [CHI] 挑战手制工艺!《回路网》演员谁的手最巧?

16012020 – 演戏悟性高 陈泂江给张哲通打八分


Read more on: [CHI] 演戏悟性高 陈泂江给张哲通打八分

08012020 – 《回路网》再度搭档陈泂江 黄暄婷:看到他就想哭

陈泂江和黄暄婷2度合作,两人都表示非常兴奋。陈泂江说:“上次拍‘Derek’的时候,我觉得我们之间的默契让整个过程都很舒服。我们在戏里面的关系和之前在‘Derek’里的很不一样,但是默契还在。” 黄暄婷则笑说“看到他就想哭”,甚至调侃对方“有一张苦命脸”!

Read more on: [CHI] 《回路网》再度搭档陈泂江 黄暄婷:看到他就想哭

23122019 – #ConsiderAdoption: Desmond Tan happy to play the part of dog adoption ‘evangelist’

“There’s a running joke that I have with the Voices for Animals (VFA) founder Derrick Tan,” Desmond chuckled during our interview with him last month. “He’ll tell me that I haven’t hit my quota for introducing friends to adopt from VFA, and ask me when I’ll be referring someone else.” When we asked him how many of his friends he’s successfully ‘converted’ to adoption, however, the actor pondered for a moment before admitting that he no longer keeps count any longer as there are too many.

Read more on: [ENG] #ConsiderAdoption: Desmond Tan happy to play the part of dog adoption ‘evangelist’

061202019 – 与James Jirayu合作网络视频 陈泂江想和对方一起演特警

陈泂江希望未来能有机会再和James Jirayu同台飙戏演特警。“我觉得我们可以一起拍一部类似007特务的角色,一个来自新加坡,一个来自泰国,一起去查案、一起拯救世界!”

Read more on: [CHI] 与James Jirayu合作网络视频 陈泂江想和对方一起演特警

05122019 – Desmond Tan, Elvin Ng and Chrissie Chau To Star In Mediacorp-ViuTV Murder Mystery

The 15-episode series features Hongkong talents such as Alex Lam (son of singer George Lam) and Adam Pak. Apart from Desmond, Elvin, Edwin and Fang Rong, Singapore is represented by Zhu Houren, Chen Shucheng, He Ying Ying, and Ayden Sng. Ink of Tai Ping will be shot in Singapore, Hongkong and Taiwan, with production expected to start in February. The show will be streamed on demand for free in September 2020 on Toggle (to be renamed meWATCH from January) as well as ViuTV. Details on the second Mediacorp-ViuTV collaboration will be revealed later.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan, Elvin Ng and Chrissie Chau To Star In Mediacorp-ViuTV Murder Mystery

05122019 – 新传媒与ViuTV 2度合作陈泂江再次往外闯!


Read more on: [CHI] 新传媒与ViuTV 2度合作陈泂江再次往外闯

24092019 – 台湾工作四个月 陈泂江:像到新宇宙再成长


Read more on: [CHI] 台湾工作四个月 陈泂江:像到新宇宙再成长

23092019 – 新剧演连环杀手 陈泂江获网民赞“狮城最帅杀人魔”


Read more on: [CHI] 新剧演连环杀手 陈泂江获网民赞“狮城最帅杀人魔”

09092019 – Celebs’ worst travel fails (and how you can avoid them)

Lesson learnt: Always check for visa requirements. Singaporeans may enjoy visa-free travel to 189 countries and territories but there is no harm in doing a quick check when booking your trip. If a visa is required, be sure to check its validity and restrictions, especially if you are making multiple entries or plan to extend your stay. The last thing you want is to be fined for overstaying.

Read more on: [ENG] Celebs’ worst travel fails (and how you can avoid them)

30082019 – 蓝正龙+曾之乔+陈泂江极度反差!


Read more on: [CHI] 蓝正龙+曾之乔+陈泂江极度反差!

01092019 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Aug 24 to 31

Desmond Tan. Most men would shun bright and bold colours when it comes to suits because they might look too “loud”. But Desmond is known for being an adventurous dresser and stylish dude; and this OOTD is proof that he can nail a striking red suit without looking like a walking ang bao.

Read more on: [ENG] This week’s best-dressed local stars: Aug 24 to 31

01092019 – Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

Desmond Tan celebrates the end of his diet with food. Lots of food. “Three months of strict diet is finally over! Bye bye chicken breast and broccoli! Hello Taiwanese street food!!! Feeling so liberated! (sic)” Desmond declared, as he posted a series of photos of himself with all sorts of non-chicken-breast-and-broccoli treats.

Read more on: [ENG] Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

01092019 – Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

No, this is not the imaging session from an upcoming baseball drama. But we were definitely taken aback when we first saw this photo. Now that we’ve seen it, we can’t help but to think of how cool it would be to see Romeo, Elvin and Desmond in a baseball-centric drama.

Read more on: [ENG] Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

28082019 – What’s the best way to watch ‘All Is Well’?

All Is Well is essentially two dramas with interlinked plots. The Singapore-based version revolves around a murder, while the Taiwan one focuses on the aftermath of an ATM-hacking incident. They air at 9pm and 10pm on Channel 8 and U respectively. Yes, you can watch them as independent dramas, but following both plots will provide more clarity and enhance your experience of the story.

Read more on: [ENG] What’s the best way to watch ‘All Is Well’?

19082019 – 陈泂江台湾拍新作品 剧组为他惊喜庆生


Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江台湾拍新作品 剧组为他惊喜庆生

19082019 – Style Evolution: Desmond Tan

If his past styles are any indication, Desmond Tan, who turns 33 today (Aug 19), is entering a brighter era of fashion. Believe it or not, the dapper Duke didn’t always have an affinity for Hugo Boss and Old Hollywood hairstyles. Like any of us who made it through the early 2000s, Desmond dabbled with orange hair, side-swept bangs, and even sequins. Keep reading to see how his style has evolved over the years.

Read more on: [ENG] Style Evolution: Desmond Tan

170819 – Is Desmond Tan getting married? The actor has been spotted shopping for a condo

“That’s what this entire conversation was all about, right?” he deadpanned. “But seriously speaking, I think I’m in a very good place in my career right now. I’ve been working on so many amazing projects, and I feel that it’s important that I keep up the momentum that I have right now, so that’s not something that I’m thinking of yet. For now, my career still comes first.”

Read more on: [ENG] Is Desmond Tan getting married? The actor has been spotted shopping for a condo

08082019 – 粉丝赴台探班送惊喜 陈泂江遇地震竟这样做!

粉丝找对时机,在偶像休息的空档,从后方出现,陈泂江一转头,顿时呆住了。当他反应过来后,问: “你们为什么会出现在这里?”粉丝笑着回复:“来看你啊!” 贴心的粉丝送上印有陈泂江照片的应援物品给当地剧组,其中包括奶茶、咸蛋黄薯片和扇子。粉丝成功制造惊喜送偶像,陈泂江手握应援物品,乐滋滋地笑着留影纪念。

Read more on: [CHI] 粉丝赴台探班送惊喜 陈泂江遇地震竟这样做!

01082019 – Celebs jazz up Singa the courtesy lion for a good cause

I specifically chose the use of neon acrylic paint on the white ‘canvas’ to display the need of highlighting the greatness in others every day. Showing appreciation and grace to everyone we meet and expressing our love instead of keeping it unspoken. Let’s colour our world!

Read more on: [ENG] Celebs jazz up Singa the courtesy lion for a good cause

29072019 – #ManCrushMonday – Desmond Tan’s Secrets to Looking Good

If you are one of Desmond Tan’s 223,000 followers on Instagram, you might have noticed this local lad is just a boy-next-door. There is one thing he does better than the everyday man — his skin looks so good, it’s as if his genes conveniently forgot about the aging process. Men’s Folio caught up with him at the Estee Lauder ‘The Night Is Yours” pop-up to find out how he looks so damn good and surprisingly, we have more in common with him than we think.

Read more on: [ENG] #ManCrushMonday – Desmond Tan’s Secrets to Looking Good

22072019 – 專訪/脫口「台灣女生愛說歡迎光臨!」新加坡男星面紅耳赤


Read more on: [CHI] 專訪/脫口「台灣女生愛說歡迎光臨!」新加坡男星面紅耳赤

18072019 – 被新加坡三帥撩暈!曾沛慈大喊「我讓他很舒服」


Read more on: [CHI] 被新加坡三帥撩暈!曾沛慈大喊「我讓他很舒服」

26052019 – Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

The actor and his fan club Destanation got their hands dirty and tapped into their artistic sides to celebrate the group’s 8th birthday yesterday (May 25). Definitely seems like a fun and leisurely way to spend a Saturday afternoon (and with someone like Desmond, no less).

Read more on: [ENG] Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

25052019 – 绘制梦想 陈泂江粉丝会庆祝8周年!

之前一直在台湾忙着拍摄《你那边怎样.我这边ok》的陈泂江,不忘粉丝多年支持,今天(25日)特别抽空与他们一同庆祝后援会成立8周年。活动上,陈泂江和粉丝变身小画家,一同绘制Tote bag,将梦想和座右铭画在布质的包包上。陈泂江设计的包包写着“No War”和“PEACE”字样,表达了他希望世界和平的愿望;画室老板也特别把画有陈泂江头像的包包送给他。

Read more on: [CHI] 绘制梦想 陈泂江粉丝会庆祝8周年!

10052019 – 陈泂江台湾拍戏不忘偷闲 走透透吃透透


Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江台湾拍戏不忘偷闲 走透透吃透透

20042019 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Apr 13 to Apr 20

Desmond donned a similar Dior Homme suit that he wore to the recent Star Awards, except this time, it’s in classic black colour. The relaxed fit makes this ensemble a great choice for party invites that call for a casual chic dresscode.

Read more on: [ENG] This week’s best-dressed local stars: Apr 13 to Apr 20

19042019 – 陈泂江+曾之乔 新台演员较劲


Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江+曾之乔 新台演员较劲

19042019 – 低调不单调! Dior 24色唇膏闪耀登场

为了欢庆Dior Addict Stellar Shine正式上市,Dior在Ion Orchard设立BE DIOR BE PINK快闪店。开幕当天(17日),众多艺人与时尚与美妆达人,包括欧萱、陈泂江、Yoyo Cao、王智荟、BELLYWELLYJELLY、DREACHONG等人皆出席。

Read more on: [CHI] 低调不单调! Dior 24色唇膏闪耀登场

15042019 – Old-timers take over the SA2019 Top 20

“Time passes really quickly and I’ve been in showbiz for 12 years now. There are so many people I have to thank. I want to thank my parents, my family, my friends and my brothers. To the audience who loves me and my fans (…) without the company, there wouldn’t be the me that I am today,” he declared.

Read more on: [ENG] Old-timers take over the SA2019 Top 20

14092019 – Star Awards 2019 Fashion Police: From Red Carpet Glam To Bedroom Chic

Fancy seeing you again, Desmond’s he-vage! This year, Des bares his chest in a casual Dior ensemble that’ll easily take him from day to night to bed time.

Read more on: [ENG] Star Awards 2019 Fashion Police: From Red Carpet Glam To Bedroom Chic

31032019 – Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

Is Udon really three years old already!? Like Desmond wrote, we still remember when he brought him home from the adoption drive. “Thank you for being part of my life and being the calmer brother to Hoshi. My little dynamite, my best watchdog.”

Read more on: [ENG] Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

23032019 – 周末不无聊 Estée Lauder快闪店好康多!

Estée Lauder通过一个互动空间,提供一个沉浸式的美妆、美容体验,除了能够让你拍美照打卡,还能让你抢先买到尚未上架的新品!快闪店22日傍晚开幕,除了业界人士和媒体,艺人黄碧仁、白薇秀、陈泂江、陈欣淇、胡佳嬑、谢静仪等也莅临现场,一同度过温馨的夜晚。

Read more on: [CHI] 周末不无聊 Estée Lauder快闪店好康多!

23032019 – Desmond Tan, Rebecca Lim sing Star Awards theme song together with Zoe and Hanwei

Former BFFs Desmond Tan and Rebecca Lim will be sharing the stage at this year’s Star Awards, as the pair, along with Zoe Tay and Chen Han Wei, perform the Star Awards 2019 Theme Song together.“Desmond and Rebecca have been recognised for their acting abilities, having won the Best Actor and Best Actress respectively last year. With Desmond’s passion for singing and Rebecca as representative of the next generation of talents, we believe they can lend their shine to the Star Awards theme song through their voices.”

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan, Rebecca Lim sing Star Awards theme song together with Zoe and Hanwei

12032019 – Desmond Tan Would Make An Excellent Serial Killer On ‘Derek’ … If He Didn’t Have To Talk Too Much

Desmond Tan has sacrificed a few times for his art.

He wore a bikini on The Truth Seekers. On When Duty Calls, he pulled a Leonardo DiCaprio by chowing down on a raw fish in the jungle. And a golden retriever almost chewed off his nose… no wait, that actually happened to him in real life.

For his latest stunt, if you want to call it that, Dessy Boy did a full monty on Derek, the 10-part Toggle series where he reprises the role of Derek Ho, the banker-turned-“Singapore’s first serial killer” in Season 4 of Code of Law.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan Would Make An Excellent Serial Killer On ‘Derek’ … If He Didn’t Have To Talk Too Much

08032019 – Which SA2019 Top 40 artiste finally did their family proud?

After becoming the reigning Best Actor at last year’s awards, Desmond is once again in the running for the same award.

“I don’t know why but these days I think I’m getting a bit greedy,” he laughed. “I hope to be able to go home with both the Best Actor and the Top 10 award, but honestly, being nominated alongside so many amazing actors is an affirmation of my acting in itself.”

Read more on: [ENG] Which SA2019 Top 40 artiste finally did their family proud?

08032019 – 6公子无缘“20大” 陈泂江喊话:别气馁!


Read more on: [CHI] 6公子无缘“20大” 陈泂江喊话:别气馁!

02032019 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Feb 23 to Mar 2

We can always count on Desmond for a little extra something when it comes to dressing up for different occasion. His feathered blazer adds texture to what could have been a boring monochrome look and make his outfit stand out from the crowd.

Read more on: [ENG] This week’s best-dressed local stars: Feb 23 to Mar 2

28022019 – Chantalle Ng requested for bedroom scenes with Desmond Tan to be toned down

“For guys, we’re afraid of accidentally crossing the line and causing misunderstandings because we weren’t sure of the actress’s comfort zone, so Chantalle and I had a lot of discussions about this,” Desmond said.

“We were contemplating whether I’m ready for this kind of role or not, and my manager was like, ‘Aiyah, Desmond Tan can lah!’” Chantelle chortled. “I think she was trying to imply that it would be easy because he’s attractive. (Laughs)”

Read more on: [ENG] Chantalle Ng requested for bedroom scenes with Desmond Tan to be toned down

27022019 – Telemad: Local web series Derek and Netflix’s food show Flavorful Origins are short and sweet

In an age when television viewers are spoilt for choice for content, it has become increasingly difficult for me to commit to lengthy drawn-out programmes.

I find many Asian romance dramas in particular to be unbearably long – what with all the unnecessary flashback sequences and scenes featuring the couple doing a lot of intense staring at each other.

Read more on: [ENG] Telemad: Local web series Derek and Netflix’s food show Flavorful Origins are short and sweet

23032019 – 再次角逐《红星》视帝 陈泂江:我要追上陈汉玮!


Read more on: [CHI] 再次角逐《红星》视帝 陈泂江:我要追上陈汉玮!

22022019 – 全裸入镜! 陈泂江爆拍摄糗事


Read more on: [CHI] 全裸入镜! 陈泂江爆拍摄糗事

19022019 – 黄暄婷和陈泂江拍亲密戏 林梅娇不能接受?


Read more on: [CHI] 黄暄婷和陈泂江拍亲密戏 林梅娇不能接受?

17022019 – Desmond Tan Gets Cheeky About Baring His Naked Butt (For Real) In New Toggle Series Derek

If you’re a fan of Desmond Tan’s cold-blooded serial killer character, Derek Ho, from season four of Ch 5’s Code of Law, you’re in luck. Derek, a spin-off of the hit TV series, is now airing on Toggle and it’s guaranteed to leave you (spoiler alert!) hanging off the edge of your seat. And as much as it is thrilling, the 10-part series, which also stars Lin Meijiao’s daughter Chantalle Ng, Cheryl Tan and Fauzie Laily, is also going to be as steamy as Fifty Shades of Grey. Yes, we have the racy, not to mention disturbing, stills to prove it.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan Gets Cheeky About Baring His Naked Butt (For Real) In New Toggle Series Derek

11022019 – How Much Ang Pow Money Did Our Stars Get This #CNY2019?

“I haven’t counted yet!”
“Achievement unlocked! I’m 33 and still receiving ang pows, but I haven’t opened them yet! I think this year’s [amount] is pretty much the same… just that for some reason I’m more cautious of what I’m eating! I’ve been looking at posts that talk about the calorie count of CNY goodies, so before I bite into the snacks, I would think about that. Also, I did gamble a bit with my family and friends. But every year it’s the same outcome — I just lose!”

Read more on: [ENG] How Much Ang Pow Money Did Our Stars Get This #CNY2019?

08022019 – Star Awards 2019 nominees revealed
Image Credit: Toggle

It’s that time of the year again as we gear up for the annual Star Awards.

While we were subjected to speculation and nail-biting anticipation for last year’s nominees with plenty of teasers released prior to the reveal, Star Awards 2019’s list came in like a wrecking ball.

Leading the pack are A Million Dollar Dream and Blessings 2, which both chalked up an impressive six gongs each. Following closely behind are You Can Be An Angel 3 with five nods, along with Doppelganger and Mind Matters with four nominations each.

Read more on: [ENG] Star Awards 2019 nominees revealed
Read more on: [ENG] Star Awards 2019 Nominations: Zoe & Fann To Battle It Out For Best Actress
Read more on: [CHI] 红星大奖2019》入围名单出炉 两对夫妻档争视帝后!

04022019 – Local celebs and their #awkward CNY moments

What are some awkward questions you tend to get during CNY?
Usually they’re about showbiz, like, “Are these two people really dating? Are they straight? Are they not straight?” I will usually say I seriously have no idea. I also get questions about how much I earn. I tell them that it varies, but it’s good enough for me to live my life. (Laughs)

Read more on: [ENG] Local celebs and their #awkward CNY moments

03022019 – Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

What better way to bump into a pal than to have your furkids in tow? That’s exactly what happened for Julie and Desmond, who met at the grooming place where they send their dogs to.

Read more on: [ENG] Insta-buzz: What the stars were up to this week

29012019 – Desmond Tan and other Singapore stars descend on Louis Vuitton’s ode to Oz

“Lots of guys think florals are too feminine, but my advice is to go bold. If you’re wearing a floral print top, pair it with plain trousers and shoes so the floral print really pops, while the rest of your look is understated and masculine,” he told CNA Lifestyle.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan and other Singapore stars descend on Louis Vuitton’s ode to Oz

23012019 – Chinese New Year goodies celebs love to pig out on

“I used to unroll the love letter and nibble it bit by bit, but over the years I’ve become lazy. I have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) so I cannot stand it when people eat it downwards like they are drinking from a straw and the crumbs end up all over the floor. I have to eat [with the egg roll pointing upwards]. I do this also because I have dogs and I don’t want them to pick up the scraps,” revealed Desmond.

Read more on: [ENG] Chinese New Year goodies celebs love to pig out on

16012019 – 新台跨国犯罪剧开镜 蓝正龙、陈泂江男神对决


Read more on: [CHI] 新台跨国犯罪剧开镜 蓝正龙、陈泂江男神对决

16012019 – Meet the cast and characters of ‘All Is Well’

Don’t let Pin Rui’s (played by Desmond Tan) polished good looks, courteous demeanour and impressive academic credentials fool you: the villain of the series is cunning, cruel, and just bloody scary, and will do anything to cover up his company’s many underhanded dealings, while secretly plotting Hao Sen’s downfall at the same time. How lovely.

Read more on: [ENG] 蓝心湄、曾沛慈加盟 与本地演员同台飙戏

15012019 – 蓝心湄、曾沛慈加盟 与本地演员同台飙戏


该剧今日在台湾举行记者会,除了先前公布的演员阵容,包括台湾实力派男神蓝正龙、新科金钟最佳男配角刘冠廷、偶像剧女王曾之乔、本地视帝陈泂江、陈罗密欧和沈琳宸盛装出席,剧组还宣布综艺阿姐蓝心湄、“终极女王” 曾沛慈、曾和杨丞琳合作《荼蘼》的阳光型男吴岳擎、第四十届电视金钟奖视帝庹宗华和台湾新锐演员张耀仁,也将加入《你》演员阵容。

Read more on: [CHI] Meet the cast and characters of ‘All Is Well’

05012019 – 陈泂江公开献唱  连唱8曲秀口技

本地艺人陈泂江昨晚(4日)参与新加坡华族文化中心 《周5音乐站》,为在场约100名公众现场演唱8首歌曲,让大家听得如痴如醉!
表演时长45分钟,陈泂江为这次表演,与乐团筹备了约3周,并在表演当晚带来《夜夜夜夜》、《好久不见》、《新不了情》、《遗憾》、《那些你很冒险的梦》、《我们》、《火柴天堂》以及 《关怀新方式》。他也在场表演口技,果然多才多艺

Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江公开献唱  连唱8曲秀口技

28122018 – Foodie Friday: What the stars ate this week (Dec 21-28)

What he ate: Hoshi enjoyed his birthday cake with Udon hovering in the background

Yummy factor: Awww, how cute was Desmond to get Hoshi a cake to celebrate his 9th (or 63rd?) “woof day”? Hope Udon got a slice or at least some of that cream.

Read more on: [ENG] Foodie Friday: What the stars ate this week (Dec 21-28)

24122018 – 佳节气息浓厚 艺人陈泂江黄思恬不忘行善传爱


身为领养宠物活动The Blue Socks发起人之一,同样也是爱狗之人的陈泂江,上周就率领粉丝会Destanation的15名会员举行另类小聚会,到流浪狗收容所过了一个充满意义的早晨。

为了让狗儿能在舒适干净的环境下开心迎接圣诞及新年,陈泂江与粉丝们到了Mutts and Mittens流浪狗收容所打扫、清理狗儿的安乐窝,还带它们去散步,度过一个爱心满满的早晨。

Read more on: [CHI] 佳节气息浓厚 艺人陈泂江黄思恬不忘行善传爱

24122018 – 陈泂江携粉丝到流浪猫狗中心当义工!


爱心满满的新加坡著名演员陈泂江,上个星期六与粉丝团 Destanation 泂出天下一起出发到新加坡Mutts and Mittens流浪猫狗中心当义工!

Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江携粉丝到流浪猫狗中心当义工!

24122018 – “毛宠控”陈泂江圣诞过得有意义!

圣诞节期间,不忘关怀需要大家疼爱的狗儿!爱狗人士陈泂江上周六与粉丝俱乐部Destanation一同到Mutts and Mittens进行打扫和遛狗,度过意义非凡的一天!


Read more on: [CHI] “毛宠控”陈泂江圣诞过得有意义!

09122018 – 陈泂江欧洲游 疑被歧视遭辱骂


Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江欧洲游 疑被歧视遭辱骂

07122018 – The Stars Of All Is Well Try To Guess Singaporean & Taiwanese Slang

We’re at a ballroom in Marina Bay Sands where the cast of Singapore-Taiwan drama co-production All Is Well have gathered for a press conference. There’s brooding Taiwanese heartthrob Blue Lan and his countryman actor Liu Kuan Ting, a newly-blonde Desmond Tan, as well as Romeo Tan and Sheila Sim, and they’re all looking tall, thin and gorgeous. They are also very professional actors, at least according to the drama’s director because, um, “they know where to smoke”. Cough, cough.

Read more on: [ENG] The Stars Of All Is Well Try To Guess Singaporean & Taiwanese Slang

061222018 – Blue Lan, Liu Kuan-Ting and their biggest worries about filming in Singapore

Blue, who was in town with fellow Taiwanese actor Liu Kuan-Ting to launch the upcoming Mediacorp and Eightgeman production, together with local actors Desmond Tan, Romeo Tan and Sheila Sim, was taken aback by our sunny island’s warm climate during this time of the year.

Read more on: [ENG] Blue Lan, Liu Kuan-Ting and their biggest worries about filming in Singapore

06122018 – 蓝正龙来新拍戏“赚到” 希望素颜上镜



Read more on: [CHI] 蓝正龙来新拍戏“赚到” 希望素颜上镜

05122018 – Blue Lan, Romeo Tan, Desmond Tan to star in new Taiwan-Singapore TV drama


It’s a tale of two cities in a new suspense drama titled All Is Well, starring Desmond Tan, Romeo Tan, Sheila Sim and Taiwan actors Blue Lan and Liu Kuan Ting.

The series, for which filming will begin early next year, is a co-production between Singapore’s Mediacorp and Taiwan’s Eightgeman.

Read more on: [ENG] Blue Lan, Romeo Tan, Desmond Tan to star in new Taiwan-Singapore TV drama

05122018 – 台星合拍大戲你那邊怎樣我這邊ok 明年播出



Read more on: [CHI] 台星合拍大戲你那邊怎樣我這邊ok 明年播出

05122018 – 不是新剧造型!陈泂江为这原因染头发


但,如果你以为新发色是为了配合新角色,那你就错了!敬业如陈泂江,是特地为了出席Louis Vuitton(路易威登,简称LV)在日本东京的新品发布会而做此尝试。


Read more on: [CHI] 不是新剧造型!陈泂江为这原因染头发

05122018 – 新台联合出品大制作《你那边怎样.我这边OK》 明年8月底播映




Read more on: [CHI] 新台联合出品大制作《你那边怎样.我这边OK》 明年8月底播映

05122018 – 陈泂江受名牌邀请 顶“金毛”快闪东京街拍

陈泂江星期一(3日)受奢侈品牌Louis Vuitton邀请,到日本东京抢先观赏品牌2019年春夏系列新装。他星期三(5日)接受《8频道新闻》访问时说:“这是我的第一次代表新加坡出席这样的活动。很荣幸也很兴奋!” 在这次的时尚活动上,陈泂江是唯一受邀的新加坡艺人。


Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江受名牌邀请 顶“金毛”快闪东京街拍

05122018 – 藍正龍新加坡探路 年後拋妻棄子long stay



Read more on: [CHI] 藍正龍新加坡探路 年後拋妻棄子long stay

05122018 – 新加坡、台湾首合作电视剧《你那边怎样·我这边OK》,演员一字排开都是帅哥哦!


《你》共40集,剧情以新台双线开展。两条故事线有各自的发展,但会在各自的大结局里相应结合。故事讲述一个不被器重却具有文人荣誉感的银行少东郭豪森(蓝正龙 饰)被迫与亲叔叔争夺大位,他越见增强的敌我私心,牵动了4个平凡小人物的命运。同时,在不经意的角落里,有个不为人知的复仇计画正牵引着所有局势的发展。

Read more on: [CHI] 新加坡、台湾首合作电视剧《你那边怎样·我这边OK》,演员一字排开都是帅哥哦!

23112018 – What Scores Did Our Stars Get For Their PSLE?

We’ve all been there. Eagerly anticipating, sorry, dreading the day we get our PSLE results and thinking that the outcome would determine the rest of our lives. But every Singaporean, okay, a growing number of Singaporeans who have been 12 years old before know that there is life beyond grades, that straight As or a good PSLE score don’t determine your future happiness. And it’s especially important to remember that now that this year’s PSLE results have just been released.

Read more on: [ENG] What Scores Did Our Stars Get For Their PSLE?

23112018 – Foodie Friday: What the stars ate this week (Nov 16-23)

These stars whet our appetites with food, glorious food: Desmond Tan teaches us how to create the perfect avocado toast; Chew Chor Meng celebrates his 50th birthday with a starry guestlist; Jeanette Aw eats her way through Takasaki; Edmund Chen and Xiang Yun feast on sashimi; and Andrea De Cruz enjoys Hong Kong treats.

Read more on: [ENG] Foodie Friday: What the stars ate this week (Nov 16-23)

18112018 – 陈泂江 + 黄思恬 高调示爱!



Read more on: [CHI] 18112018 – 陈泂江 + 黄思恬 高调示爱!

17112018 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Nov 10 to Nov 17

There are so many things that are so wrong yet so right about Desmond’s outfit at the recent Etude House event. We strangely dig the millennial-pink hue and the oversized bagginess of this Christian Dada suit that made the actor look hot and cool at the same time.

Read more on: [ENG] 17112018 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Nov 10 to Nov 17

10112018 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Nov 3 to Nov 10


We never thought a trippy knit polo tee would look so hunky when worn with a turtleneck, but Desmond the fashionista proves us wrong in this stylo outfit.

Read more on: [ENG] The most stylish celeb OOTDs of the week

06112018 – [人物专访] Desmond Tan 陈泂江 十年一刻

邻家男孩形象特别讨喜,善良,有礼貌,温文儒雅的绅士气息,让人莫名有一份亲切感。Desmond 陈泂江 正正就属于此类,首次见面便让人留下深刻印象。自出道成为新加坡新传媒艺人后,无论他的角色如何转变,“帅气”二字从未在他身上溜走,其后更凭着《卫国先锋》剧集摘下最佳男主角殊荣,取得漂亮的成绩单。辗转间,Desmond 已入行10年。十年一刻,当然少不了实践梦想的心得。

Read more on: [CHI] [人物专访] Desmond Tan 陈泂江 十年一刻

05112018 – Desmond Tan Answers Questions About Cheem Medical Terms

What is a Wenis? Desmond Tan is here to educate you. But take it all with a large pinch of salt.

Watch: [CHI] Doctor Desmond Is In Da House — Desmond Tan Answers Questions About Cheem Medical Terms

28102018 – 万圣节穿什么?明星理想造型曝光


Read more on: [CHI] 万圣节穿什么?明星理想造型曝光

26102018 – ‘You Can Be an Angel 3’ stars and their physical insecurities

So when we were doing our prep for the latest instalment You Can Be an Angel 3’s press conference last Wednesday (Oct 17), we pondered over what other angles we could pursue, and then it hit us: cosmetic surgery. Although it’s not an area any of the characters specialise in, it still involves doctors, nurses, scalpels, operating tables et cetera… close enough.
Read on to find out who would love to be just a few centimetres taller, who would consider fat-freezing to lose weight, and who has gotten IV drips for fairer skin (yes, that procedure exists).


Read more on: [ENG] You Can Be an Angel 3’ stars and their physical insecurities
Read more on: [CHI] 黄思恬认打美白针 郑惠玉不能接受儿子整容
Watch: [CHI] 
What do the stars think about plastic surgery? “天使”们对整形手术有什么看法?

19102018 –  The Stars Of You Can Be An Angel 3 Try To Guess What These Super Cheem Medical Terms Mean

It’s the third installment of the popular nurse-centric series, which means by now the cast members must be really good at our game of Guess the Medical Term, right? Well… wrong. Okay, to be fair to the stars, only Zoe and Carrie are returning cast members and the terms are really, really cheem but we figured that since they’ve all gone through training to play nurses, they would know at least something… anything? But hey, we love them for being such good sports and maybe they’ll do better when You Can Be An Angel 4 comes around?

Watch: [ENG] The Stars Of You Can Be An Angel 3 Try To Guess What These Super Cheem Medical Terms Mean

17102018 – 吻戏算什么? 陈泂江难忘与黄思恬跳海!


Read more on: [CHI] 吻戏算什么? 陈泂江难忘与黄思恬跳海!

09102018 – PARTY PIX: Meet the celebs who were at Coach’s MBS store re-opening


Last Thursday (Oct 4), Coach celebrated the re-opening of its boutique at Marina Bay Sands with a star-studded party. Guests, who included local celebrities and influencers such Desmond Tan, Rebecca Lim and Shane Pow were among the first to shop the brand’s limited edition footwear collection featuring artwork by Singaporean artist Mindflyer (Michael Ng).

Read more on: [ENG] PARTY PIX: Meet the celebs who were at Coach’s MBS store re-opening

06102018 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Sep 30 to Oct 6


You gotta hand it to Desmond – when it comes to vacay chic, no one does it like this dude in his wide-legged fisherman’s pants, straw hat and oversized tote.

Read more on: [ENG] This week’s best-dressed local stars: Sep 30 to Oct 6

05102018 –  Rebecca Lim, Lawrence Wong And More Stars Were Hotter Than Our Weather At Coach’s MBS Store Opening


Never mind that it was 34 degrees Celsius out there yesterday — while everyone was busy mopping their sweaty brows, our celebs showed up at the opening of American luxury fashion label Coach’s newly-renovated Marina Bay Sands boutique togged up in leather, suede and cowboy boots. What heatwave?

Read more on: [ENG] Rebecca Lim, Lawrence Wong And More Stars Were Hotter Than Our Weather At Coach’s MBS Store Opening

03102018 – Desmond Tan’s tips for looking your best: ‘Skincare is an investment – like insurance’


Having good skin is very important to me. It isn’t just because I’m an actor and need to look my best but also because it shows I take care of myself. I began paying more attention to skincare in my teens; I would accompany my mum to her facial treatments and eventually signed up for my own facial treatments.

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan’s tips for looking your best: ‘Skincare is an investment – like insurance’

300918 – This week’s best-dressed local stars: Sep 23 to 30

Looking “fashiony” in a Prada shirt, cropped trousers and hat, Desmond was all set for his flight to Kuala Lumpur for his judging duties at the Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant.

Read more on: [ENG] This week’s best-dressed local stars: Sep 23 to 30

270918 – Who would Desmond Tan, Jeffrey Xu choose to blue tick?

We asked the cast of ‘Bluetick’ who they’d choose to ignore, and here’s the results

Read more on: [ENG] Who would Desmond Tan, Jeffrey Xu choose to blue tick?
Read more on: [CHI] “已读不回”陷阱考题!艺人选爱情还是友情?
Watch more on: 陈凤玲OUT!徐鸣杰竟选择先回复“她”?

260918 – 新传媒首推出《游戏场》月历艺人齐亮相!


Read more on: [CHI] 新传媒首推出《游戏场》月历艺人齐亮相!

250918 – 8 OOTD Ideas To Steal From Stylish Stars ASAP


Who says paper bag pants are only for ladies? Doesn’t Desmond Tan look adorable in these baggy pants with a sleek white shirt tucked in and matching white sneakers? We wouldn’t mind walking the dogs with this cutie!

Read more on: [ENG] 8 OOTD Ideas To Steal From Stylish Stars ASAP

250918 – 入行10年才拿奖!陈泂江:我庆幸没有放弃



Read more on: [CHI] 入行10年才拿奖!陈泂江:我庆幸没有放弃

240918 – 52 Memorable 8 Days Covers And The Secrets Behind Them You Never Knew – Until Now


A most unusual shoot involving a bunch of sumo wrestlers and Desmond Tan in Nagoya, at their training grounds (they call it a ‘stable’). While it was a colourful and eye-opening experience, the shoot, which spanned across a few days, was fraught with tension and drama.

Read more on: [ENG] 52 Memorable 8 Days Covers And The Secrets Behind Them You Never Knew – Until Now

110918 – Here Is What Our Stars Wear When They Fly


Chen Hanwei somehow manages to make the very uniquely Singaporean T-shirt and berms look very stylo, while Desmond Tan is dressed like he just walked right off the (airport) runway.

Read more on: [ENG] Here Is What Our Stars Wear When They Fly

110918 – How to wear ugly sneakers like a celeb

The suit-and-sneakers combo has become one of fashion’s power pairings so why not the “dad” shoe? Desmond’s Prada Cloudbust resembles more of orthopedic shoes thanks to its oh-so-ugly Velcro straps, but you can’t deny that its slimmer silhouette and futuristic design make this a handsome match with his spiffy suit.

Read more on: [ENG] How to wear ugly sneakers like a celeb

110918 – 陈泂江遭男粉丝骚扰多年


Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan spills on how he was harassed by male fan for years
Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江遭男粉丝骚扰多年
[WATCH] 雅慧将谁的电话号码列入黑名单?

250818 – This week’s best-dressed local stars (Aug 17 to 25)

Desmond and Carrie look uncannily like they could be the stars of Crazy Rich Asians.

Read more on: [ENG] This week’s best-dressed local stars

080918 – [国庆日特辑] 新加坡,我的家!


8月9日国庆日,新加坡53岁生日快乐!《优1周》特别邀请本地艺人和歌手,    分享“第1个家”的回忆。

Read more on: [CHI] [国庆日特辑] 新加坡,我的家!

290818 – Style Evolution: Desmond Tan


If his past styles are any indication, Desmond Tan, who turns 32 today (Aug 19), is entering a brighter era of fashion. Believe it or not, the dapper Duke didn’t always have an affinity for Hugo Boss and Old Hollywood hairstyles. Like any of us who made it through the early 2000s, Desmond dabbled with orange hair, side-swept bangs, and even sequins.

Read more on: [ENG] Style Evolution: Desmond Tan

240818 – Foodie Friday: What the stars ate this week (Aug 17-24)

Ladies love this birthday boy, can you tell? Not everyone gets handed a surprise cake from Paige Chua with Zoe Tay documenting the moment. And most of us can’t even get our nieces to look up from their phones, much less bake us anything. Oh, to be Desmond.

Read more on: [ENG] Foodie Friday: What the stars ate this week

150818 – 陈泂江与粉丝庆生同乐 感恩多年来相互扶持


陈泂江本月19日转32岁,他于刚过的星期六(11日)提前与粉丝们庆生,一行人在游乐场所The Cage同乐,玩了不少游戏,如巨型“层层叠”(Jenga)积木游戏、“挑棍”(pick-up sticks)游戏等。

Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江与粉丝庆生同乐 感恩多年来相互扶持

120718 – 男星遲疑沒動靜 安心亞「主動湊上嘴唇」親下去了



Read more on: [CHI] 男星遲疑沒動靜 安心亞「主動湊上嘴唇」親下去了

270618 – 安心亞披婚紗慘遇爆炸 在靈車上換衣超囧


Read more on: [CHI] 安心亞披婚紗慘遇爆炸 在靈車上換衣超囧

250618 – 陈泂江、安心亚“结婚” 雅慧吃醋:我们11年前已拍婚照!



Read more on: [CHI] 陈泂江、安心亚“结婚” 雅慧吃醋:我们11年前已拍婚照!

230618 – The most stylish OOTDs this week

Desmond always looks sharp, whether he’s rocking a suit or leather jacket, as demonstrated when doing promotions for his new movie The Big Day. But our favourite has got to be the dapper yet quirky Christian Dior bee suit that shows his playful side.

Read more on: [ENG] The most stylish OOTDs this week

200618 – Chen Hanwei is Zoe Tay, Desmond Tan’s ‘guardian angel’

“When I was young and naïve… More like, when I was still in school, I grew up as I watched Hanwei’s shows,” Desmond grinned. “It’s because of his Fang Lao Shi role that I thought of becoming an actor. It’s also because of him that I could be in showbiz for this long.”

Read more on: [ENG] Desmond Tan also names Hanwei as his guardian angel
[WATCH] The cast of ‘You Can Be An Angel 3’ tells us who their guardian angels in showbiz are!
[WATCH] You Can Be An Angel 3 Interview BLOOPERS!

200618 – 安心亞新加坡婚紗照曝光!狂讚「殯葬業小開老公」很貼心



Read more on: [CHI] 安心亞新加坡婚紗照曝光!狂讚「殯葬業小開老公」很貼心

200618 – 「簡單的婚禮」安心亞大銀幕首披婚紗波折不斷



Read more on: [CHI] 安心亞大銀幕首披婚紗波折不斷

190618 – Amber An reveals why Desmond Tan is #husbandmaterial

However, it was what happened off camera when they finally reached their “finish line” at the end that really caught our attention. “Desmond is so considerate – he carried me all the way back even though he was sweating in his suit!” the Taiwanese singer-actress shared, drawing well-deserved “awwws” of admiration from everyone in the room.

Read more here: [ENG] Amber reveals why Desmond is #husbandmaterial
[CHI]  陈泂江是安心亚的理想型?两人想办海滩婚礼
Watch: 安心亚的理想老公需要具备什么条件?

190618 – 陈泂江大赞安心亚嘴唇触感



Watch : [CHI] Amber An reveals why Desmond Tan is #husbandmaterial

190618 – 安心亚朱唇销魂 陈泂江:吻到嘴唇麻痹也值得



Read more on : [CHI] 安心亚朱唇销魂 陈泂江:吻到嘴唇麻痹也值得

140618 – Which Star from ‘You can be an Angel 3’ loves going to the hospital?


This happened five or six years ago. I was preparing for my first music showcase, and I fainted in the middle of rehearsals. I fell flat on the road and injured my face. The scar is still there. I was supposed to be hospitalised for two days but I told the doctor I had to be discharged so I signed some indemnity forms, went for my showcase, and then returned to the hospital where I was warded for another day. My tests came back fine, so I guess I was probably overworked as I was also filming a drama then.”

Read more on : [ENG] Which Star From You Can Be An Angel 3 Loves Going To The Hospital?

130618 – 军中情人变亲人!



Read more on : [CHI] 《卫国》情侣变姐弟 陈泂江剪发装嫩

130618 – 才合作完《维多利亚的模力》,陈泂江与黄思恬大方摆出亲亲pose也不尴尬!



Read more on : [CHI] 陈泂江与黄思恬大方摆出亲亲pose也不尴尬!

060619 – Who’s the biggest World Cup know-it-all?

The FIFA World Cup season is upon us again, which means soccer fans will be gearing up to cheer, scream, groan, place their bets, and stay up until the wee hours of the morning.

While we await the first kick-off on June 14, we decided to spring a brief but potentially baffling World Cup history quiz on several local celebs to see how familiar they are with past games (and one about this year’s championship).

Read more on : [ENG] Who’s the biggest World Cup know-it-all?

310518 – [联合晚报] 陈泂江与粉丝到乐龄之家当义工

和粉丝会“Destanation”成员到狮子乐龄之家(Lions Home For The Elders)做义工,陈泂江说:“想让老人家知道他们没有被社会遗忘。”



Read more on : [CHI] 陈泂江与粉丝到乐龄之家当义工

300518 – [I-Weekly] 陈泂江与粉丝团7年不痒! 齐为乐龄献爱心




Read more on : [CHI] 陈泂江与粉丝团7年不痒! 齐为乐龄献爱心

300518 – [Channel8 News] 发挥偶像正面效应 陈泂江再带粉丝献爱心



Read more on : [CHI] 发挥偶像正面效应 陈泂江再带粉丝献爱心

040618 – The life interview with Desmond Tan: A raw passion for Acting     

The Star Awards’ Best Actor winner Desmond Tan ate untreated raw fish and locked himself in a room to get into character. It is a clear sign of how serious he is when he says he hopes to become a method actor.

“When you’re doing well in your career, people will have high expectations of you. I don’t feel pressure though because I’ve experienced ups and downs in my career before, so I’m prepared for any drama to happen. All I know is that, on my end, I will continue to work as hard as I can.”

Read more on : [ENG] The life interview with Desmond Tan: A raw passion for Acting

 240518 – [TOGGLE] ‘You Can Be An Angel 3’ stars get blood on their hand

Desmond Tan goes from slayer to Saviour. “I realized i wasn’t holding [the syringe] like a nurse, but like a killer,” he chuckles. “And when we were preparing to dress a wound, I felt like I was in Code of law again, where i casually take a knife and stab someone – it’s a familiar feeling, but also very different at the same time.”

Read more on :
[ENG] Toggle: ‘You can be an Angel 3’ stars get blood on their hands
[CHI] 《天使》郑惠玉变女佣?亏陈泂江幼稚!
[Watch] Desmond Tan is scared of Needles! 陈泂江很怕打针!

210518 [i周刊] 猛男败给一支针! 陈泂江《天使3》迎战恐惧


Read more on :
[CHI] 猛男败给一支针!陈泂江《天使3》迎战恐惧
[Watch] #陈泂江 原来怕针! 看他被抽血前的表情,真的太不容易啦~

140518 [8DAYS] “The Mood Swings Can Be Scary,” Says Desmond Tan, Die-Hard Method Actor.

He tells us, “When I woke up this morning, I asked myself, ‘Was it a dream?’” Barely 18 hours earlier, Desmond held aloft his first Star Awards Best Actor trophy at the MES Theatre at Mediacorp, stammered through his acceptance speech, blinked through photo ops and flash interviews and stumbled back home, where some friends were waiting to celebrate with him.

Read more on :
[ENG] “The Mood Swings Can Be Scary,” Says Desmond Tan, Die-Hard Method Actor 

100518 [TOGGLE] Desmond Tan endures being dangled off eight-storey building for a day

“Though it was tough, i enjoyed it very much.” says Desmond Tan.
Desmond attended the BlueTick press conference earlier today and shared about his challenges while filming in HK/Shenzhen and experience when working with overseas actors, especially the veterans.

Read more on :
[ENG] Desmond Tan endures being dangled off eight-storey building for a day
[CHI] 视帝陈泂江和前辈对戏不紧张
[Watch] 陈泂江封视帝后,演员们对他做了什么?

250418 [8DAYS] What Desmond Tan Got Up To In Iceland – Besides Taking Super Cool Photos

Best Actor winner Desmond Tan recently led a tour to Iceland, but we wouldn’t blame you for thinking that the Code of Law star was there for a photo shoot. Here’s a photo of the actor chill-axing at Iceland’s Diamond Beach, a black volcanic sand beach glistening with giant icebergs washed ashore from the Jökulsárlón glacial lagoon.

Read more on :
[ENG] What Desmond Tan Got Up To In Iceland – Besides Taking Super Cool Photos

230418 [Channel8 News] 陈泂江不负众望荣登视帝 自亏没准备致辞看似“好傻”



Read more on :
[CHI] 陈泂江不负众望荣登视帝 自亏没准备致辞看似“好傻”

230418 [8DAYS] The Top 10 Most Popular Male Stars At Star Awards 2018: The Expected, The Unexpected & The Ones Who Weren’t Even There

The rest of the Top 10 Most Popular guys were a mixed bag. There were Desmond Tan and Dennis Chew, whose wins aren’t surprising, and Pornsak, Shaun Chen and Pierre Png, whose wins we had hoped for, but are a little more unexpected.

Read more on :
[ENG] The Top 10 Most Popular Male Stars At Star Awards 2018: The Expected, The Unexpected & The Ones Who Weren’t Even There

220418 [Channel News Asia] National Service drama When Duty Calls win big at the Star Awards 2018

Tan, who played 1st Sergeant (NS) Loke Jun Guang in the series, struck gold by winning his first Best Actor award – with his very first nomination in the category. “Our families and friend make a lot of sacrifices for us. I dedicate this to them,” he said.

Read more on :
[ENG] National Service drama When Duty Calls wins big at the Star Awards 2018
[Watch] Star Awards 2018: Best Actor

220418 [The Straits Times] Military Drama When Duty Calls wins 4 trophies at Star Awards

Chowing down uncooked fish for a scene in the drama paid off for actor Desmond Tan, who won his first Star Award for Best Actor.

The 31-year-old had asked to be filmed eating the untreated raw fish to better portray his sergeant character’s tale of survival, even though the script had required him to just describe the experience.

Read more on :
[ENG] Military drama When Duty Calls wins 4 trophies at Star Awards


From his Star Search days when he was into flamboyant Japanese fashion and had long flowing hair, he is looking more mature and suave now, as befitting his heart-throb status.

Desmond, 31, told The New Paper about his earlier style: “It was loud and in your face. Some people thought it was a mess and it was crazy.” Read more on :

030418 [CLEO] You Won’t Believe How Many Sneakers Local Actor Desmond Tan Has

Desmond’s current obsession is oversized clothing and sneakers, both of which contribute to a relaxed and casual look.

He revealed that half his wardrobe is filled with about 30 oversized shirts and jackets, and he has close to 60 pairs of sneakers.

Read more on :
[ENG] You Won’t Believe How Many Sneakers Local Actor Desmond Tan Has