[#LoveAtCavenaghBridge Ep 1: 照片]
亦群喜欢到加文纳桥一带拍照, 洗出照片后才看到同样的女生一直出现在自己拍的照片里, 因而令他感到心绪不宁。他看心理医生时却发现医生跟照片里的那个她长得一模一样。这难道是有所暗示? 还是背后藏了什么故事?
Yiqun is perturbed when the same girl keeps appearing in his photos taken at Cavenagh Bridge. He decides to see a psychiatrist but instead, he realises that she looks exactly like the one in his photos. Could this be a hint to something or would there be a hidden story behind?
Telling 10 different love stories in 10 episodes at 1 location. Desmond Tan is starring in the first episode. Be sure to catch this toggle original series