维多利亚的模力 VIC

[ToggleVIC Ep 16] – 080618

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“只要你记忆里有我, 我心里有你, 我们的未来肯定是美好的”  魔力全开, 世上最精彩! 比赛来到尾声, 谁胜谁负已尘埃落定。袭击 Vicky 的人也被抓到了但是, 她们还能恢复原来的自己吗? Juno 的结局会是怎样?

After many rounds of intensive competition, we have finally reached the final show! The results are determined and the culprit has been arrested but… will Vicky and Victoria be able to return to their own self eventually? How will it end for Juno?


[ToggleVIC Ep 15] – 070618

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“既然你打算继续查下去, 我只好24小时贴身保护你了~” 尽管处境已受到威胁, Vicky 仍坚持不退赛, 一心要把罪魁祸首给揪出来。 Juno 变暖男, 你们是否也和Vicky一样被动了心

Vicky insists on continuing with the competition to find the culprit and is moved by Juno who decides to give her 24hr personal protection.


[ToggleVIC Ep 14] – 010618

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“变暖了。。。也变美了” 在这期的泳装环节中, 一连串的状况顿时发生。Vicky 帮了 Zen 克服她的恐惧, 自己的表现却欠佳,  在 Juno 的激励下, 成功完成拍摄。
不料, Vicky 突然掉进水里。。。这又是意外还是认为呢?

A series of events occur during their photoshoot at the beach. Vicky’s performance is not up to standard despite helping Zen to overcome her fear. Juno spurs her on and she manages to complete the shoot. In a sudden, she falls into the sea…


[ToggleVIC Ep 13] – 310518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“不管你是 Vicky 也好, Victoria 也好, 我喜欢的是现在的你, 就这么简单” 冰冰向 Juno 示爱, 虽然始终还是做回朋友, 但 Juno 从她的那番话终于领悟到了。感情真的可以胜过外表吗?

Bingbing confesses her love for Juno. Although they still continue being friends, Juno is enlightened by her words. Can feelings really triumph over looks?


[ToggleVIC Ep 12] – 250518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“不管是以前还是现在, 我还是那么喜欢你”
当 Juno 知道真相后, 还会是这样吗?

With Juno professing his love for her, “Vicky” has no choice but to tell him the truth. Watch on to find out who’s the one for him!


[ToggleVIC Ep 11] – 240518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

如果当年不是因为冰冰给的机会, Juno 也不会成为现在新加坡第一帅的摄影师。不过, 仿佛有种感觉冰冰心里不是想要只当 Juno 的恩人。

Without Bingbing’s help previously, Juno wouldn’t have become who he is today. However, it seems like Bingbing does not only want to be Juno’s benefactor. Will she take a step further?


[ToggleVIC Ep 10] – 180518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“有时候我真的不明白你到底在想什么, 又或许说从一开始我根本都不了解你~” Juno 对 Vicky 教训 Tyson 的手法感到失望, 他那翻话会让她反省自己吗?

Juno is disappointed with Vicky’s actions when she makes use of the people around her to teach Tyson a lesson. Will his words make her reflect on herself?


[ToggleVIC Ep 9] – 170518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“给我面子, 放过她, 好不好?” 明知道 Tyson 的为人又看到他与 Vicky 如此亲密, Juno 开始担心了并主动叫 Tyson 出来谈一谈, 可是他会听吗? 最后会怎样?

Knowing the kind of person Tyson is, Juno gets worried when he sees Vicky behaving intimately with him. He initiates a talk with Tyson but will the latter listen to him? Can this segment end smoothly?


[ToggleVIC Ep 8] – 110518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“不是吧? 连你也难逃 Tyson 的魔咒?” 这一期的主题是 “美女与野兽”, 国际男模 Tyson 将会担任嘉宾评判并和参赛者们一起拍摄, 搞得她们个个神魂颠倒。跟男生很少接触的 ‘Vicky’ 无奈之下只好请教 Juno 如何摆 pose, Juno 的举动令她犹如小鹿乱撞, 似乎对他动了心

International model, Tyson, is invited to be the guest judge for this week’s theme “Beauty & The Beast” which he will also be involved in a photoshoot with the contestants. Vicky seeks help from Juno on how to strike poses. Juno’s actions leave her fluttering


[ToggleVIC Ep 7] – 100518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“我这个人就是这样的啊, 喜欢就要说出来, 你小时候也是这样” Vicky终于愿意告诉Juno为什么自己一直都不敢靠近春花, 虽然她的故事跟印象中的她有点不一样, 她对狗狗的爱还是让Juno越来越欣赏她。

Vicky is finally willing to share with Juno why she has always been keeping a distance with Chunhua. Although her story does not fit his childhood impression of her, she still leaves him in admiration.


[ToggleVIC Ep 6] – 040518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“因为我关心你, 你的事就是我的事” Juno是不是真的对 “童年好友” 产生感情了? 制作组决定向 Nicole 隐瞒王子的遭遇。拍摄当儿, 春花突然出事了。。。

Has Juno really fallen for his “childhood friend”? The demise of Prince is kept from Nicole. During the photoshoot, Chunhua starts to foam…


[ToggleVIC Ep 5] – 030518

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

Vicky 在攀岩时突然失控, 幸好 Juno 及时拉了她一把才没摔下来。这是意外还是人为? 尽管发生了意外, Vicky 还是顺利通过比赛。下个项目是与动物合照, 她是否会听从 Juno 的劝告对身边的人好一点?

Juno manages to hold onto Vicky in the nick of time as she suddenly loses control while rock climbing, preventing her from falling off. Is this merely an accident or more than what it seems? The contestants embark on their next segment – photoshoot with animals. Will Vicky heed Juno’s advice and treat the people around her better?


[ToggleVIC Ep 4] – 270418

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“还没红就叫做态度有问题, 红了之后就叫做有个性。” 在这次的运动主题中, 哪一位参赛者会胜出? 她们能否达到 新加坡第一帅的要求?

How will the contestants fare in the sports theme segment? Can they meet Juno’s expectations?


[ToggleVIC Ep 3] – 260418

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

“我比较喜欢以前的你, 虽然笨笨的但是比较单纯~” 现在的 Vicky 对这位童年好友一点印象都没有, 但为了能顺利留在比赛继续查出谁是罪魁祸首, 她还是找了Juno帮自己克服惧高症, 而Juno又会用什么方法帮她呢?

Although Vicky has no impression of this childhood friend, but in order to stay in the competition and investigate the cause of her swimming pool incident, she approached Juno for help. Will Juno be able to help Vicky overcome her fear of heights?


[ToggleVIC Ep 2] – 200418

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

她真的不认得他了吗? 为什么 Vicky 一直说她是 Victoria? 吴昇豪与詹予柔到底是什么关系, 让他如此袒护她?

Does she not recognise him anymore? Why does Vicky keep claiming that she is Victoria? What relationship does Juno have with Vicky that he keeps protecting her?


[ToggleVIC Ep 1] – 190418

Image Credit: DestanationFC Instagram

身为 “模力全开” 的常住评判兼摄影师, 在十位参赛者当中, 谁会得到我们新加坡第一帅的青睐?

Being the resident photographer of the upcoming modelling competition, who out of the 10 contestant will catch the eye of Singapore’s hottest photographer?